+30 2102816893
+30 2102816893    info@grammart.edu.gr

Chris graduated with a Master’s degree in Education Sciences,with a specialty in incorporating students with learning difficulties into mainstream EFL classes,

in 2016 from Roehampton University and a bachelor’s degree in Computer sciences in 2010 from the University of Central Greece.

After graduating from his MA, Chris had already started teaching English since 2012 to students whose mother tongue is Greek and dealt with a number of challenges. He then felt his calling was Inclusive Education and that led him undertake a training course on Special Educational Needs in the Aegean university.

Chris believes that working in the field of Education, let alone Special Education, is a constant and never ending pursuit of knowledge which explains his inextinguishable passion to be reeducated so as to rehabilitate or adapt to new situations. Chris’s combined innovative tools and pedagogical strategies in order to readjust the syllabus for students with SpLD and cultivated a “culture” of inclusion Chris’s philosophy is to eradicate any preconceptions towards Special Educational Needs and establish a rather inclusive environment of justice, fairness and amity among students.   

Gramm Art  is an innovative and holistic approach to teaching and practicing grammar to every student covering the needs of every class. Aiming at holistic education Gramm Art uses drama, storytelling, and real life experience to help participants expand their knowledge and boost their cognitive skills.

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